
It burns so good! Work it, Sweet Thing!

This week's workouts have felt so GOOD! My legs are so sore today that I can't stop smiling.

In 2010 I was pregnant with my son, Lyric. To stay in shape I did Denise Austin's Fit & Firm Pregnancy DVD. It had separate  workouts for each trimester and had a cardio workout I did for the whole nine+ months. Plus she had this weird gravely voice that didn't match her perky peroxide persona. I felt like I was being coached by a retired cheerleader who smoked 2 packs a day. Amusing.

In 2011 I was pregnant with my daughter, Jazz. To stay in shape I took care of Lyric and...well that's about it. Throughout both pregnancies I gigged quite a bit so those counted as a workout since I was on my feet singing and dancing for hours.

Now it's 2012 and my uterus is baby free, people! I can move like a foxy little minx again! I can ride roller coasters and sleep on my tummy without endangering any lives. Best of all I can break a sweat EXERCISING!

This week's workouts are:

1. Body For Life Weight Training.

Years back I joined a friend in the BFL diet/exercise program. I half assed the diet but still saw almost immediate results from the workouts. I feel that my cardio is good right now from chasing my 1.5 year old around all day. My upper body is getting toned by the second since I'm lifting and bouncing 25 and 12.5 pound weights all day long! (My kids) So I'm focusing on the lower body workout. It's so helpful for me to go to the gym knowing exactly what I'll be doing. Here's a look at the sheet to follow.

2. Purely Twins Plank Workout

Purely Twins is an awesome blog I follow. They are super fit twin sisters that blog about fitness and food. Mostly vegan/gluten free recipes. They recently posted a video they made of a plank workout. It looked easy until I tried it and after about 15 seconds I was sweating shaking and had to stop. Wow. For now I'm modifying the workout to 10-15 second intervals until I'm stronger. It's great. Try it!

3. Zumba

This week I'll be going to my first Zumba class! Thank you Groupon. Dance and Exercise are on the Top 5 of the "Things That Make Blaze SUPER EFFING HAPPY" list so I'm sure I'll instantly love it. I'll let you guys know next week when I post about new workouts.

What are doing to keep in shape? Have you tried Zumba? Was it fun or silly?


Smudge Monkey Art!

"In Your Grip" by Jess Baker
Jess Baker of Smudge Monkey Studios is my absolute favorite artist! Here's a commissioned piece of me that she did as part of her Prego Wood Collection. I am sooooo in love with it! The drummer in my band said, "That is the perfect showing of the Blaze essence and vibe. Plus the profile is right on".

"Blaze Bell Prego Wood" by Jess Baker

"Like" her Facebook page! Smudge Monkey Studio FB Link.

Check out her website: www.smudgemonkeystudio.com/.

Drool over a few more pics and buy some of your own. She's amazing! Here are a few more of my favorites...
"Smoke in my Hair, Music in my Soul" by Jess Baker

"Fire Starter" by Jess Baker

"Smoked Codger" by Jess Baker

Who is your favorite artist? What do you enjoy about their work?


My Transition from Hot Pocket Hottie to Coconut Cavewoman

Eat like a caveman. Yum! Live like a caveman. Logical! Workout like a caveman. Roar!


Almost 3 months ago my daughter, Jazz was born. Her older brother had such extreme allergies that I was convinced to stop nursing early on because he dropped in weight dramatically from a lack of nutrients from my breast milk. I felt completely at fault. Nursing had been a struggle from the get go so I was ready and willing to let the nastiest formula ever, Alimentum, nourish him, since I couldn't. I feel some guilt still for not trying harder to do an elimination diet but he was allergic to 16 out of the 20 foods tested. Living off of rice, potatoes, garlic and carrots sounded beyond difficult and to be honest I was so stressed by that point that my milk was drying up fast. Our horrible pediatrician had yelled that I was "Starving!" my poor baby. It was a bit traumatic for me so we did our best. He's a strong healthy 1.5 year old boy now! (And he can snap his fingers which is just plain impressive.)

With Jazz's arrival I decided to eliminate all common allergens in case she had severe allergies to. I was determined to breastfeed her so she could get the ultimate nourishment!

Foods I Eliminated:
Sugar (For my Hypoglycemia.)

While I was researching allergy-free recipe sites I found, Mark's Daily Apple. It was dedicated to Primal Living. The Paleo Diet (or Caveman Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet) was exactly what I needed:

No grains, No sugar. Meat, Veggies, Fruit & Nuts!

His website got me so fired up about the entire lifestyle. Everything about it made perfect sense to me. My husband had been wanting to phase out agricultural grains, knowing that they're completely unnecessary to our diets and that their introduction to us brought about so many health problems! We decided to GO PRIMAL together!

I saw a change in my digestion immediately. There was a cleansing process that was slightly shocking. I felt bad that I'd been clogging my body with so much disgusting fast food, etc! Now I am an amazingly clean running machine. (Hopefully you all know what I mean without me getting more graphic...)

My skin stopped breaking out and is shinier. Weird.

I've had zero grains in over 2 months and it's been surprisingly easy to avoid them. No sugar has been a struggle though! I thought I could have it in moderation but when I get a taste it's a lot like alcohol or any other substance I've been addicted to in the past. I just want MORE! So I've had a couple sugar binges but nothing too drastic and it hasn't derailed my success. MDA says go for 80/20 with your eating. I've been about 90/10. I try to use the 10% for cooking sauces, salad dressing or any occasional bite of sweets.

Most importantly, Jazz is doing beautifully! She's eating well and growing well. Her skin is perfect unlike the awful rashes and eczema Lyric got from his allergies. The new wonderful pediatrician said it's good I'm eating this way because she can see small signs that Jazz is a sensitive baby as well.

Lately I've been getting sick easily, which is really not cool since my profession is singing and it's no fun (and not very pretty) when I have a head or chest cold. I know that lack of sleep is a huge part of it. Being a new parent doesn't afford much rest. I decided to count my calories and make sure I'm getting enough as a nursing mom. I realized that they might be too low which would be giving Jazz all the good stuff and leaving me with little to keep my strength up. The absolute least amount of calories a nursing mom should have is 1800, and that's if she's still trying to lose a lot of pregnancy weight. I'm 5 lbs from my pre-prego weight and figured I should be getting at least 2,000 calories a day to be healthy right now. At the end of my first day keeping track I'd taken in 1,200 calories and I'd felt like I'd eaten a lot! Uh oh.

I am now keeping a detailed journal so I make sure to get:
Calories: 2,000
Carbs: 100
Protein: 100

I've decided to modify the diet a bit while I'm nursing to include sweet potatoes and quinoa to up the carbs. I'll let you know how it goes!

Typical Day of Meals:

1. Superfood Smoothie: 1 tbsp Flaxseed, 1 cup kale, 1 tbsp Hemp E3 Live w/ Maca Protein Powder, 1 tsp Camu Camu, 1 tsp Mesquite, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 tbsp Chia Seed, Coconut Water and 15 drop Phytoplankton.

2. 1 bell pepper w/ hummus

3. 1 large piece of chicken. seasoned with salt, pepper, cinnamon and cooked in 1 tsp coconut oil and 1 tsp soy sauce. 1/2 avocado. 1 cup lettuce.
Steak and Asparagus

4. 2 egg omelet w/ 1 tbsp Flaxseed and 1 sausage link. Cooked in 1 tsp olive oil.

5. Handful of almonds, pistachios and/or pecans.

6. Raw Foods brand Super Cookies. Marsala Chai, Lemon, Carrot Cake and Chocolate are my favorites.

And I sip on water with lemon juice, Yerba Mate tea and Perrier Water throughout the day. Oh and of course 1-2 cups of Coffee with a dab of coconut oil.

I'll keep you updated on my Primal Journey!

What results have you seen from living primally? Did you have any difficulties with babies with allergies? Any tips for the rest of us?



Superfoods! Did you know there are foods that can truly make you Super? Super-healthy, Super-clean, Super-freaking-awesome. David Wolfe is da MAN when it comes to learning about these foods and every amazing thing they can do for our bodies and minds.

Today I want to share about the Original Superfood, Bee Products.

I'll give brief rundowns on the different products and their benefits but for more information definitely check out, Superfoods by David Wolfe. I had no idea bees were so impressive and that we could benefit so greatly from their hard work!

Honey: (in it's raw organic state) It is rich in minerals, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants and is one of the highest vibration foods that exist! Mohammed said, "Honey is a remedy for all diseases." (Please don't give honey to children under 1 because potential contamination that could bother their tiny systems. But when they're bigger it can be used to topically to cure all kinds of boo-boo's!)

Bee Pollen: It is a complete protein containing B-9 and 22 essential amino acids. It is an alkaline food that's been used to treat fertility and prostate problems. It's also been used by many athletes to increase performance!

Propolis: Its the waxy substance that holds the hive together. It's a highly medicinal and antibacterial substance. It's been an effective treatment for arthritis, asthma and allergies.

Royal Jelly: Ooh! This one is what's made for ONLY the Queen to consume. Throughout history it's been known as the "fountain of youth and beauty". It's treated tumors, glandular and hormonal imbalances and nerve diseases. I can feel my super powers growing when I partake in the royalty!

We take our Bee Products in the morning on an empty stomach with a big glass of water, as directed. They are all so packed full of vitamins, proteins and more. This is a food that you can actually live off without eating anything else! Badass Bee Shit, Yo! It's important to find bee products made locally. That will mean they can help fight local allergens.

Please continue learning about amazing bees and the products they work so hard to create! My seasonal allergies have already improved and I'm sure my immune system is just getting stronger and stronger!

Have you tried any bee products? What were your results?