
Emote, Eat and Take Your Vitamins

Emotions are not emergencies. Deep Breath and Repeat.
The past two weeks have been chock full o' emotionally charged dates. There was the anniversary of a traumatic event that changed the course of my life and the anniversary of the day (years later) that I decided to stop escaping every emotion by any means necessary. I got through the tough day without doing anything to make it worse, which was a feat. I let the memories surface. I felt the fear, anger and pain and I did my best to let it go. Then the happier date came along and I felt the gratitude, humility and the hope that was deserved. Apparently feelings don't kill me and sometimes they even make me all warm and fuzzy!
Before- 8 months prego w/ Jazz and After- Last weekend at Humpy's Great Alaskan Alehouse gig.
I'm excited about the muscle definition in my arms. Carrying two babes has an upside!

The worst thing I did was some emotional eating but I've forgiven myself. :) Have you ever had a Fast Break candy bar?! It's like Mr. Snickers and Ms. Reese's knocked boots and had the most glorious baby ever! And I ate 3 of their babies...
My diet is still 90% Paleo 10% shitty sugar. I'm considering doing Balanced Bites 21 Day Sugar Detox or The Whole 30. Have you done either? Any suggestions?
I've been asked a lot lately what I eat so here are some pics from this week:

Breakfast-Banana (I have to force them down. I can't stand the texture but they're so good nutritionally. Sigh.) Steak strips w/ peppers, onions and asparagus and of course, COFFEE!

Love hydrating with Coconut Water!

I'm a big advocate of supplements! Most of us have deficiencies we aren't aware of that are bringing down our quality of life. I learned so much from the book, "Depression Free, Naturally" by Joan Mathew Larson. I notice a dip in my mental state when I stop taking B vitamins. D is an essential which I already preached about here. Iodine, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium are my other dailies. I've recently upped my Flax intake to help with my Omegas since I'm allergic to Fish. And after most meals we take Papaya Enzymes to help with digestion. (Pregnant ladies, papaya enzymes are a life saver for heart burn.)

What supplements do you find work best? 


We're kind of a big deal...

Eric and I were "Interrogated" this week by the Anchorage Press, the coolest news publication in town that all the indie kids dig. It was awesome to talk about our lives as musicians, spouses, parents, and more! For those of you out of town, my husband and I gig around town a few times a week as a badass funk/soul/jazz/cuban/pop influenced cover band. For those of you in town here's a link to the gig calendar. Come check it out. We have a blast!

We're finishing up our first album and honing in our duo act. It's gone from me on vocals and Eric on keys to both of us on vocals, keys, guitar and a few more surprises I don't want to reveal yet. The album will be out in time for this holiday season. We just pre-sold the first one yesterday! You can also "like" our Facebook Page, if you're into that kinda thing.

Thanks for all the local (and global) music support! It's awesome to live a dream. :)


4 Months Primal Check-In!

Current results since going PRIMAL!

That's a picture from yesterday. Jazz is a few days over 4 months. So with almost 4 months of eating a Paleo Diet (plus lots of added sugar binges) and 2 months of sporadic Primal Workouts I'm already seeing and feeling GREAT results!

My husband is doing this all with me and yesterday he flexed...YEAH BABY! I was pretty turned on, not gonna lie.

Lyric is the only one in the family that's not eating paleo since he's allergic to most meats and some veggies...and some fruits...and some nuts. Poor little dude! Jazz is thriving on my paleo breast milk though!

The MDA Primal Blueprint Challenge started this week so go to the website and join in! I can't wait to see how I feel and look in another 4 months! Lean mean fat burning machine! As someone who battled bulimia for 10 years, eating well and feeling strong is an amazing accomplishment that I'm really proud of and incredibly thankful for.

Will you join the challenge?


A Typical Day of My Paleo Eats

Thank you Jenny for my first Paleo Cookbook, "Well Fed" by Melissa Joulwan! Paleo recipes for people who love to eat. Grain, Legume, Dairy and Sugar Free. The layout is amazing and I can't wait to share my favorite finds!

I've had a few people ask me lately what I eat, so here's a day in the life of my tummy:

Breakfast - 3 eggs w/ veggies and sometimes bacon or turkey bacon. And Coffee w/ Coconut or Almond Milk and occasionally a few drops of liquid Stevia.
Snack - Nuts (Pistachios or Macadamia lately) and Dried Fruit made in our Dehydrator. Water.
Lunch - Big Ass Salad! Tons of lettuce, kale and/or spinach. Veggie-Palooza and sometimes chicken.
Dinner - Veggie, Meat Combo. Beef, Chicken, or Steak w/ Peppers, Avocado, Asparagus, Any and All Veggies I can find in our fridge! Coconut Water.
Late Night Snack - Hopefully I'll omit this someday but lately I want sweets all the time so I've been indulging in Larabar's uber. Not the healthiest but much better than what I really crave, frosting. ha!

What are your favorite Paleo Cookbooks?