
We're kind of a big deal...

Eric and I were "Interrogated" this week by the Anchorage Press, the coolest news publication in town that all the indie kids dig. It was awesome to talk about our lives as musicians, spouses, parents, and more! For those of you out of town, my husband and I gig around town a few times a week as a badass funk/soul/jazz/cuban/pop influenced cover band. For those of you in town here's a link to the gig calendar. Come check it out. We have a blast!

We're finishing up our first album and honing in our duo act. It's gone from me on vocals and Eric on keys to both of us on vocals, keys, guitar and a few more surprises I don't want to reveal yet. The album will be out in time for this holiday season. We just pre-sold the first one yesterday! You can also "like" our Facebook Page, if you're into that kinda thing.

Thanks for all the local (and global) music support! It's awesome to live a dream. :)

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