
4 Months Primal Check-In!

Current results since going PRIMAL!

That's a picture from yesterday. Jazz is a few days over 4 months. So with almost 4 months of eating a Paleo Diet (plus lots of added sugar binges) and 2 months of sporadic Primal Workouts I'm already seeing and feeling GREAT results!

My husband is doing this all with me and yesterday he flexed...YEAH BABY! I was pretty turned on, not gonna lie.

Lyric is the only one in the family that's not eating paleo since he's allergic to most meats and some veggies...and some fruits...and some nuts. Poor little dude! Jazz is thriving on my paleo breast milk though!

The MDA Primal Blueprint Challenge started this week so go to the website and join in! I can't wait to see how I feel and look in another 4 months! Lean mean fat burning machine! As someone who battled bulimia for 10 years, eating well and feeling strong is an amazing accomplishment that I'm really proud of and incredibly thankful for.

Will you join the challenge?

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