
Juicy Double! ...serving of veggies...

Old Blaze: The only thing nastier than vegetables is vegetable juice. No thanks.
New Blaze: These juiced veggies are giving me a serious rush, man!

I'm not on a health kick. I'm truly changing my dietary habits for the better. This week my man and I decided to make a pact to juice veggies every day for a week and see how we felt. It's been 4 days and I haven't felt this good in years! I have endless reserves of energy. My vision is more clear. My brain is calm. That alone is a huge change. We definitely aren't stopping at a week. My body's never been happier with me!

Benefits of Juicing Vegetables:

1. You absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Including all the enzymes. Raw food rocks!
2. Juicing pre-digests the veggies so you can easily assimilate and absorb the good stuff.
3. You're able to consume a wider variety and larger quantity of veggies.
4. It's great for weight loss since the amazing nutrients immediately satisfy your appestat (the part of the brain that controls appetite) so you feel full for a freakishly long time.


-The darker and leafier the better! Kale & Spinach are our go-to's!
-Drink it immediately after juicing. That's when you'll get the most out of it.
-If you get a tummy ache after drinking a bunch, (I did the first day) drink a big glass of water right away. It solved the problem and I've found not having it on an empty stomach helps too.
-As you're juicing taste the different individual vegetable juices. In the pictures below we're taking shots of yellow pepper and red pepper. And since my drinking days are behind me I felt like I was really partying! Ha!

Veggies in the last batch we juiced: (We split the juice 50/50)

2 Peppers, 1 large Cucumber, 2 cups Kale, 2 hearts of Romaine Lettuce, 3 cups Carrots. Then at the end it's always good to add 1/4-1/2 a Lemon and a chunk of Raw Ginger! Awesome.

What are your favorite veggies to juice?

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